17.1 C
Friday, September 20, 2024

To Whom It May Concern

Recently, in a large city in France, a poster featuring a young, thin and tan woman appeared in the window of a gym. It read, “This summer, do you want to be a mermaid or a whale?”? A middle-aged woman, whose physical characteristics did not match those of the woman...
It really is mind boggling isn't it? We pay a fortune to our council for public services only to find that now this year BCP council is all but bankrupt, and this is to be managed with a massive cut in public services.BCP: Massive cuts in public services.Not by a...
Following yesterday's High Court summing up, https://dorseteye.com/high-court-finds-piers-morgan-complicit-in-illegal-activities/ many people who were either directly impacted or just want the UK tabloids cleaned up have had their say. Among them is the actor Steve Coogan. Steve Coogan rightfully commended Prince Harry for his courageous stance after a judge confirmed the hacking of the...
When the next election is called, whatever the polls reveal now will not be reflected in the outcome. At the moment, the corporate establishment media have not entered into the 'fully protect the establishment' mode. When they do, it will be the party that sings their song that will...
When it comes to laying it on the line, this is unparalleled. There can be no debate. We can either listen to this and begin to make a real difference, or continue to be the walking dead, shuffling towards the eternal grave. We can be dictated to by corporations, malignant politicians,...
Boris Johnson has successfully wrecked the Tory Party on the rocks of Brexit. Rwanda is largely irrelevant. The migrants in boats are coming via the EU. The only way to deflect and stem the flow is to work effectively with EU countries like France and Spain. If your house has a leak,...
Whether it is the discredited Rwanda policy or boozing with mates during lockdown, this clip encapsulates all that is wrong with the Conservative Party and those who vote for them. How can anyone take these 'people' seriously when they create nothing but carnage? Ian Hislop, "James Cleverly. The only man...
The Tories most recent attempt to mimic 1930's Germany Rishi Sunak faces mounting scrutiny regarding his Rwanda policy, having incurred expenses of £240 million without ever implementing the scheme. The government disbursed an additional £100 million in the 2023-24 financial year, despite grounded flights due to legal challenges, adding to...
We know The Sun is filth. They have a long tradition of going into the sewer and gulping wildly before spewing it out on those with low educational attainment. Sadly, only Liverpudlians have banned it. If the whole country followed suit, intellectual levels would undoubtedly increase somewhat. This poor chap...
Before we see the exposure of one of Murdoch's little hand puppets, let us remind ourselves of this sad excuse for a human Phone Hacking Scandal: During Morgan's tenure as the editor of the British tabloid "News of the World" from 1994 to 1995 and later as the editor of...