21.1 C
Saturday, September 21, 2024
I personally voted to leave the EU... However... (and I do encourage you all to keep reading)... My reasons for wanting to leave were (in the grand scheme of things) so personally, empirically and intellectually limited at the time; founded principally (and in all honesty, solely) in being wholly...
I  am not a member of any political party but have watch the election process with puzzlement.   Boris Johnson is desperate to avoid tough direct questioning on his policies.   He refused to take part in the debates for the Tory leadership, he refused to take part in the Channel 4 leadership...
“Here's what I'm really struggling to understand. All I've ever heard from people, for years, is: "bloody bankers and their bonuses" "bloody rich and their offshore tax havens " "bloody politicians with their lying and second homes" “bloody corporations paying less tax than me” "bloody Establishment, they're all in it together” “it'll never change, there's...
OK, I am struggling to be polite here, but let's give it one last big push: My opinion is no more or less valid than your opinion or anyone else's. I personally base my support for Jeremy Corbyn's Labour Party on research, facts and a belief in a truly unique...
Food for thought: "You may have noticed an strange announcement by the Health Secretary over the weekend. About the recording of every child's Genome Sequence. The only reason Hancock wants to Genome Sequence your kids at birth is because when we move onto an insurance based Health System, it will...
Watch me lose a load of followers for this, but I'm angry. I've had undecideds messaging me saying its made up their mind to vote Labour so it's 100% worth it. https://www.facebook.com/ScouseBirdBlogs/videos/780854792361407/?v=780854792361407 Scouse Bird
I don't see how the evidence could be more overwhelming we live in an increasingly politically criminal country. Millions of the public informed by lying right wing tabloid media. If not lying then vicious one-sided polemics having all the same effect. Grenfell fire 2017, 72 people burnt to death or were...
In this 90-second clip from Stewart Lee's Comedy Vehicle (Season Three, Episode Three: "Satire"), Stewart explains conservative economic theory! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyGND49CBYk&t=6s Join us in helping to bring reality and decency back by SUBSCRIBING to our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ1Ll1ylCg8U19AhNl-NoTg and SUPPORTING US where you can: Award Winning Independent Citizen Media Needs Your Help....
Chief Rabbi Mervis is a Tory. Now it all makes sense   Dear Chief Rabbi, You have shamed your office today and rendered the Jewish people even more vulnerable to real antisemitism by reinforcing the fake, media-induced antisemitism that you recklessly impute to Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party. To interfere politically at...
If this very brief clip is left on repeat in a very short time we will join this lady in her marbles less world. It is the kind of white noise that reflects the madness of millions in this country. To vote for someone who is untrustworthy. Who one CANNOT...