20.6 C
Saturday, September 21, 2024
ONLY two people can be Prime Minister: Boris Johnson who has no policies at all other than more austerity and a couple stolen from Labour's Manifesto. A MANIFESTO WITHOUT ANY COSTINGS, apart from one figure that is different depending on which page you read!!!, A man who has been...
Try to imagine Jeremy Corbyn in Tony Blair’s post-political role: flying around the world, enriching himself by striking deals with tyrants and oil companies. Try to picture John McDonnell setting up, like Blair’s righthand man Peter Mandelson, a consultancy that gives reputational advice to controversial corporations. Try to picture Rebecca Long-Bailey being caught in...
Apart from the fact that Corbyn and Sturgeon came across as genuine, serious leaders and Swinson and de Pfeffel came across as imbeciles who have no answer to their atrocious past actions, something really leapt out at me. When de Pfeffel was pressed on his reneging of his promise to...
Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson striding past a homeless man. Not his usual approach - he normally burns £50 notes in front of them! :o In case you didn't know, Boris was a member of Eton's Bullingdon Club (along with David Cameron and George Osborne). Bullingdon Club members are known for...
Boarding school, a peculiarly British form of abuse, has devastating impacts not only on the boarders, but on those they grow up to dominate. There are two stark facts about British politics. The first is that they are controlled, to a degree unparalleled in any other Western European nation, by...
People who have endorsed Johnson so far: Nigel Farage Tommy Robinson/Stephen Lennon Jim Davidson Donald Trump Vladimir Putin Viktor Orban Rupert Murdoch Lord Sugar Katie Hopkins Richard Littlejohn Lots of untalented functional celebrities. They say you judge somebody by the company they keep I will say no more with that lot. Jeremy Corbyn is endorsed by Sean Bean and many talented people in...
He receives a £2.7 million pay packet. He pays no UK tax on it because he is based in Switzerland. He is trying every trick to stop the postal workers being able to exercise their right to strike. Kevin Courtney
Penny and Mike Eaton's story is a warning to us all https://www.facebook.com/100008410054103/videos/2287913754832271/UzpfSTY1NTUwMTY2ODpWSzoxMjEyNzQ2NjAyMjU4MTk4/?multi_permalinks=1212746602258198¬if_id=1573573765363841¬if_t=group_activity https://www.facebook.com/ClwydSouthLab/videos/480903036103759/UzpfSTY1NTUwMTY2ODpWSzoxMjEyNzc0MjM1NTg4NzY4/?multi_permalinks=1212781075588084¬if_id=1573576799240188¬if_t=group_activity Join us in helping to bring reality and decency back by SUBSCRIBING to our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ1Ll1ylCg8U19AhNl-NoTg and SUPPORTING US where you can: Award Winning Independent Citizen Media Needs Your Help. PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A MONTH...
You have heard it here first (well sort of). As a reward for destroying Parliamentary democracy and enabling a far right takeover (Pinochet style, if a Tory MP's pronouncements over the weekend are to be taken seriously) Boris Johnson will ensure that the establishment come together and reward the...
I don’t belong to any political party but have been a fascinated observer of the developing political situation.The Brexit 50 pence coin meltdown is symbolic of the gradual Brexit meltdown itself as reality and disillusion hit home. Leading pro-Brexit national newspapers have been impacted. Daily Telegraph pre-tax profits fell by...