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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Who is Deceiving Who?

“Men are so simple of mind, and so much dominated by their immediate needs, that a deceitful man will always find plenty who are ready to be deceived.” - Niccolò Machiavelli Remember in 2015 during the Greek crisis when the EU allowed financiers to destroy the Greek economy to profit themselves? Let...
Even for the low standards of journalism of Jewish Chronicle editor Stephen Pollard, his leader yesterday was extraordinary. In it he focused on the 6-monthly report on antisemitism in the UK by the Community Security Trust (CST) which recorded 892 incidents in the first 6 months of 2019 -...
For a while now Rachel Riley (of Countdown) has been working, not so clandestinely, for (or with) the Israeli state propaganda machine (either associated or non associated - it amounts to the same thing)*. The attempt has been to lie and deceive people in to believing that Jeremy Corbyn,...
You may be familiar with GnasherJew, the group of ex-Labour Party members, who took it upon themselves to troll and harass left wing Labour party members and supporters on Twitter. They particularly targeted Corbyn supporters and those who dared criticise Israel on the social network platform. Everybody who dared...
Sent To: Maria Miller; Cabinet Office Subject: Symonds Hi. I'd be interested to know what, exactly, BoZo's latest squeeze is to be paid £100,000pa in "allowances" for? The woman was sacked from Conservative HQ a few weeks ago for putting in dodgy expenses claims and now she's going to be given £100K of...
A deadly serious tweet at the weekend from Armando Iannucci, the comedy writer responsible for the hugely popular Westminster TV satire show The Thick of It, reveals something significant about the problem of resolving the so-called Labour anti-semitism “crisis”. In response to a tweet by a follower discussing my...
All billionaires want the same thing – a world that works for them. For most, this means a world in which they are scarcely taxed and scarcely regulated, where labour is cheap and the planet can be used as a dustbin, where they can flit between tax havens and...
This is absolutely brilliant. It nails US. Alright it does not explain how our thinking is socially and culturally manufactured but it does say 'if you want to be free take ••••••• responsibility'.   https://www.facebook.com/BBCOne/videos/2377735542498377/UzpfSTEwMDAwNzQyMzkyNjk4NjoxMTE4NjA0MDk1MDA1Nzgz/   Douglas James
Jewish Student Ben on being involved in the Labour Party: "It can be quite disorientating really when the mainstream media narrative about something is just so discordant with your own personal experiences" https://twitter.com/JustJewsUK/status/1145602696201850881
So, Boris Johnson told his ridiculous lie about his hobby of making buses from cardboard/wine boxes and painting them with happy people! Of course this was utterly bizarre and virtually no-one believes it was true. He also seemed to be very much making it up as he went along -...