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Friday, September 20, 2024
So how does the Tory government really affect us? I'm 26 years old, and despite entering the workforce at 13 and despite my student loans, I live hand to mouth. £17k may sound a lot, but I couldn't afford to live alone. 40+ hours a week and I can't afford...
Instead we must see these murderers and extremists as what they are- products of a sadly well-cultivated climate of extreme bigotry and hatred, fuelled by an organised international fascist tendency. Make no mistake, this is exactly what happened in the 1930s, when papers like the Daily Mail constantly attacked Jews...
Next time you're on public transport and see a racist in the face of a Muslim woman, take your face off your 'phone and get in his. Next time some piece of trash makes monkey noises to a black person, vigorously encourage him to opt for silence. Next time some scumbag...
There are of course people who will take this seriously. Anyone who chooses to read The Daily Mail is already in some sort of psychological classification. Something along the lines of 'Demonstrably unaware of reality and has a tendency to talk to wardrobes (covered in white sheets) whilst dressed...
It’s actually impossible to debate issues such as taxation, public services, cuts, police numbers, anti-social behaviour, knife crime etc etc without considering the national picture and the policies of central government. A couple of centuries ago, the government of the day decided that it would be a good idea to...
It's time to stop the victim shaming... and call it like it is. We HAVE to get back to building relationships with our patients. Our clinicians are killing themselves at alarming rates. CHANGE THE SYSTEM AND RID OURSELVES OF THE CONFLICT THAT IS DESTROYING US AND OUR PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS. https://www.facebook.com/ZDoggMD/videos/532597990597628/UzpfSTcyMDQwNDMzMTpWSzoxMDMyNzQ0NzgzNTkxNzE1/?multi_permalinks=1032744783591715&notif_id=1552218157786983&notif_t=group_activity DR Z
It is so difficult in these times to make a reasoned plea for justice that most will support. We are stood on the precipice of anarchy. Brexit and austerity, have driven tens of millions in the UK and beyond to varying points of anger and frustration. The politics of...
Start by reading this: "Statement by Orthodox Jews of the UK in Response to the Vilification of the Rt Hon Jeremy Corbyn MP London – 4 September Orthodox Jewish congregations in the United Kingdom were shocked to see three so-called “Jewish” newspapers publish a declaration that “Jews are united against...
Spot on from Jackie Walker. There is a definite attempt to silence those whose narrative is outside the hegemony. 'Free speech' is now becoming 'Accepted speech' and those who do not conform are being attacked and ostracised. Folks this is totalitarianism. It is fascism. Shutting down debate and shutting...
Friday February 1st. I went outside to clear the snow from my path, only to be met by a blast of gunfire. With 4-5 inches of snow, drifts along all the hedges and a bitterly cold wind, there on the hillside are some guns standing with their dogs, waiting...