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Friday, September 20, 2024

A nation is in mourning

Tommy Robinson (real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, also known as ‘Andrew McMaster’, ‘Paul Harris’ and the delightfully onanistic ‘Wayne King’), has been banned from Facebook because of an Islamic / Zionist plot called ‘The Law of Consequences’. So for the next few months, in honour of the 21st century’s People’s Princess,...
It was about a bloke with the initials JC, who wanted to help the many poor and sick people who suffered under a harsh, unforgiving and xenophobic regime, out of touch with the people it ruled over with a rod of iron. JC's message of simply helping people who were...
I don’t know how other comrades feel, but for the last two years since I joined the Labour Party and have supported Jeremy Corbyn I have noticed the same old rhetoric from every single MSM’ the Tories, and now even MPs of the Labour Party/Independent Group saying He is...
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of god. - Matthew 5:9 It can have escaped nobody’s notice (all those who follow me on Twitter of Facebook or read my blog), that I am against #Brexit generally - but for differing reasons to most. My reason for...
Stripping British citizenship of a girl who was groomed, trafficked & made a child bride by a terrorist cult is as inhumane as it gets. If this was a white girl, groomed, trafficked abroad & sent to be child bride of a Muslim man, you can bet she would...
The new 'party' that has-and we kid you not-been fully supported and endorsed by Katie Hopkins no less!!!... Here is something to remember for the rest of us. Credit our brilliant Labour Party comrade Lyn Eynon for this observation worth sharing far & wide: "Splinter MPs will push so-called People’s Vote. That will...
I rang my daughter yesterday after seeing the news online about the children’s strike against government inaction on climate change. ‘Are you on strike then?’ ‘Yes’, she said. ‘I’m in Bristol’. She and her friends had taken the train up and joined other school children in Bristol and across...
No one can say how much depression is a genetically determined condition and how much it is a response to lived experience. Whilst genetics cannot be ruled out, lived experience is something that must be ruled in because depression, like poverty, is a whole lot more than just a...
It's incredibly difficult to make sense of this because, being animals, we don't act through intelligence most of the time. We are driven by much that has nothing to do with intelligence, not least our biologically determined and driven sex drive. We are fantastically good at doing things which...
There are not many occasions when a Tory has anything worthwhile to offer but this is one of them. Parents should protect young children not expose them to digital relationships and obsessive screen time. Start being a parent and not just a material provider. https://twitter.com/VictoriaLIVE/status/1093460201934487553 Douglas James