24.9 C
Thursday, September 19, 2024
Gammon: "Tommy was framed by the pedo-commie-Muslim-libtard-elite! Freeze peache, innit!" Rational human: "He pleaded guilty. He *admitted* he knowingly committed a crime." Gammon: "Jailed for telling it like it is!" Rational human: "He pleaded guilty. He *admitted* he knowingly committed a crime." Gammon: "You can't say anything these days! Bloke was exercising his...
I have to declare an interest here, I have no idea what equal opportunity is meant to mean in Britain, in fact it irritates me to my bones because the government is hell bent on driving the poorest people in Britain into early graves. As a Community and Youth Worker...
One of the posts on our local community Facebook page for the town asked for comments about how the town has changed in recent years. Needless to say it has brought out the comments from the usual suspects moaning that there are too many “foreigners” in the town. I live in...
As not printed by Dorset Echo ‘Loyalty to party is not enough’. So said the late Liberal peer Nancy Seear. It is especially not enough where constitutional issues are involved. It is outrageous that a minister of a government elected by a whisker on a minority of the vote can...
Theresa May struts around as if she owns Britain and yet domestically and globally she is Britain's worst enemy. Nearly a year has passed since the catastrophe of Grenfell Tower. Even at the time it was played down by Theresa May and it quickly became clear that it was a...
Since social media platforms are using the same techniques as gambling firms to create psychological dependencies, it is a lucrative opportunity for the pharmaceutical industry to develop a drug that would break the cycle of addiction. Just think of it: a drug that would counteract habit-forming modes of behaviour...
I actually, genuinely, seriously find hard-right Zionists less disgusting than middle-class Brit liberals. At least the former are brutally honest in their partisanship. They are happy, proud even, to own their anti-human politics. The latter, however, are truly sickening in their mealy-mouthed, hand-wringing apologia for murder, occupation and subjugation;...
FOUR whole pages devoted to death of Tessa Jowell in Monday's Guardian and not even ONE word about her Iraqi war crimes. The death of any family member is a painful occasion and the lingering pain of a death from cancer is especially traumatic. But that trauma pales into insignificance to...
I have lived with the violence of depression all my life. At 67 I can state categorically that my depression has always been about my occluded self, hidden or buried many many years ago, as far back as my childhood. What was depression but my hidden self screaming to get...
Bernice and I married at 20 and 22 in 1974. As mid to late Baby Boomers we worked after graduating while renting a flat on the outskirts of a large housing 'project' in outer Leeds. I paid the rent and all the bills and she saved the entirety of her bring...