12.1 C
Monday, September 30, 2024
First it was Joe Lycett showing the way on the Kuenssberg establishment love in https://dorseteye.com/joe-lycett-laura-kuenssberg-corporate-media-bbc/ and now Ben Elton has spoiled their party. Ben explaining to the narcissistic free speech haters why he said it The only people who appear to make sense on these propaganda shows are real comedians as opposed...
I spent Saturday afternoon in the Firkin Shed in Bournemouth watching the film, Oh Jeremy Corbyn - the Big Lie. Here are my thoughts on the matter… A Summary Honestly, those who followed the story as it happened will learn little. To have maximum effect, it needs to be shown to...
The stark difference in treatment of the two truth-tellers is a measure of how state criminality is now completely unchecked Rightly, there’s been an outpouring of tributes to Daniel Ellsberg following the announcement of his death last Friday, aged 92. His leaking of the Pentagon Papers in 1971 revealed that Washington officials...
A fundraising event in association with ‘At the Flicks’ Film Podcast. Live podcast recording and Q&A with the director and homeless advocate Steve Gower.  Join us for a one-off event to raise the funds to finish the documentary. Stroud based film podcast ‘At The Flicks’ are hosting and recording an interview with...
Local and national organisations are uniting to show their opposition to Armed Forces Day, due to be held in Falmouth on 24th June. Groups involved include Campaign Against Arms Trade, the Peace Pledge Union, ForcesWatch, Demilitarise Education, Cornwall Resists and local and national Quaker organisations. All groups say that...
There are certain words and phrases in British politics that play a significant role - "populism," "Brexit," "legitimate concerns," and the "red wall." These terms will be used extensively in the coming weeks to explain how someone like Boris Johnson managed to become Prime Minister. An ongoing effort to distance...
Coverage of the destruction of the Kakhovka dam and Nord Stream pipelines shows a western media willing to prioritise anti-Russian propaganda over facts The hypocrisy gets starker by the day. The same western media that strains to warn of the dangers of disinformation – at least when it comes to...
Boris Johnson is a liar. And a bully. Join us in helping to bring reality and decency back by SUBSCRIBING to our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ1Ll1ylCg8U19AhNl-NoTg and SUPPORTING US where you can: Award Winning Independent Citizen Media Needs Your Help. PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A MONTH https://dorseteye.com/donate/
The Partygate Saga both in Downing Street and the former prime minister’s weekend retreat of Chequers  was no unfortunate accident for Boris Johnson . Partygate was symptomatic of the chaotic and laissez-faire of Boris Johnson’s “style of management”. Boris Johnson’s government had laid down strict rules that everyone had to...
As some of you know I was the weekly climate columnist at The Independent for 3.5 years, up to January of this year. Then Evgeny Lebedev, the Russian billioniare who owns it, appointed his mate, the vile climate-trashing Etonian Tory and former Daily Mail editor, Geordie Greig to be new...