13.6 C
Monday, September 30, 2024
First up Alastair Campbell. Some may be surprised to see him here but he is undoubtedly what the Tories used to call a 'Wet'. Not complete fascists and nearer the centre than their psychopathic colleagues. However, given that he helped manipulate the UK in to a murderous war that is...
For those who would prefer that Parliament was not a game between two establishment parties, recycling old policies dressed in new clothes, this person sums it up. Of course the opening gambit of 'incompetence' depends on which side one is on. If one is an establishment politician it is about...
The Stigma of Mental Illness is Alive and Well Some 25% of us untermenschen walk among you. The mentally ill. You probably speak of their depression or anxiety in whispered terms to mutual friends or family. You may even know one or two of the 2% or so of us...
Jeremy Corbyn became a Member of Parliament (MP) on June 11, 1983. He was elected as the Labour Party MP for the constituency of Islington North in the United Kingdom. Forty years on he talks to Melissa Benn about how it came about and the last forty years. His secret? To not...
I happened to be on Bournemouth beach on Wednesday 31st May and was involved in the resuscitation attempt on the 12 year old girl who tragically died. Many of the lifeguards on the beach were teenagers themselves and despite their training would not have encountered such a scene, let alone...
In her radio show, Dr Laura Schlesinger said that, as an observant Orthodox Jew, homosexuality is an abomination according to Leviticus 18:22, and cannot be condoned under any circumstance. The following response is an open letter to Dr. Laura, penned by a US resident, which was posted on the Internet....
Britain’s corporate media is doing its level best to deceive the public over the UK’s support for NATO’s proxy war in Ukraine.  The corporate media hacks know very well that NATO provoked the war.  They know that the Biden administration made a provocative public statement in 2021 supporting Ukraine joining...
I had a really disturbing encounter in the pub last night. I feel as if I need to get it off my chest and just put it out. I met the most beautiful stunning woman, you know the type every male eye in the pub on her. Why she decided...
I will be 67 years of age this year, and up until I was 63, I dedicated my entire adult life to fighting for the Labour Party.  I’ve held virtually every elected position in the party from branch secretary to shadow minister.  I gave nearly 44 years of my life...
There is no doubt that the lifestyle of the working classes can be precisely reflected in the lifestyle of a lying, nihilistic, cheating multimilionaire which is why so many voted for him. I am sure there are a great many people who live in estates who also share this way...