10.6 C
Saturday, September 28, 2024
So, after 51 years of unbroken membership, surcharged for carrying out party policy, being a councillor, including leader, of various local authorities, for suffering financial hardships as a result, I no longer am wanted in the party I have relentlessly campaigned for... My crime? Simply joining and supporting victimised comrades! Wasn't even...
Can we please remember ( not saying it would) if this were to escalate with the Russians and the rest of Europe and UK, Scotland has the biggest target on its back in the whole of Europe. Within 20 miles of its highest population in Scotland, Glasgow (population of...
Just as we might have been hoping that our children and young people can emerge from under the blanket of pandemic anxiety and concern that has placed at risk their carefree days of childhood so along rolls another ethereal risk in the cloak of Russia’s incursion of, and violence...
'So I think everyone agrees that Russia invading Ukraine was and is a terrible thing, and because it was Putin who initiated the war, clearly it was his fault. Not only terrible and criminal, but a risky and desperate move. But for those who think Ukraine should have been in...
In How Democracy Ends, David Runciman cautions against the expectation that democracies will end in the future in the way that they have ended in the past. Our pictures of the death of democracy, he says, are pictures of military coups and dictators, of the collapse of short-lived, fragile institutions....
You can socialise and have business dealings with convicted paedophiles, you can literally help elect Putin, you can make hundreds of thousands of pounds directly from Putin, you can lie, cheat and force illegal wars and play a major part in millions of deaths, support literal terrorist child beheading...
Having the flag flying outside of your abode used to be about being patriotic and getting behind the nation. In a country in which it is expected, in many states, to have the flag flapping from a pole to show ones allegiance it now appears that another flag may...
On the button unless one is a right wing Brexiteer in which lying sociopaths can do no wrong. https://twitter.com/monsieurbonbon_/status/1496999796925739012?s=20&t=QWv_YQ6iI1Ut6BDeVfX3MQ And Keir Starmer is a hopeless controlling tool. https://dorseteye.com/goebbels-would-have-been-very-proud/ Ever had the feeling that we are all buggered? Douglas James If you like our content please keep us going for as little as £2 a month...
Did you know that: A quarter of Johnson's cabinet have accepted donations from wealthy individuals who have links to Russia. One such donor, Lubov Chernukhin, who is married to an oligarch with close ties to Putin, has alone donated £2.1 million to the Conservative party. In 2018 she paid £20,000...
I suspect these are not uniquely British but they sure are common. Staring at your phone in silent horror until the unknown number stops ringing Hearing a recording of your own voice and deciding it’s perhaps best never to speak again The relief when someone doesn’t answer their phone within three rings...