12.3 C
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Public sector workers… the great problem for our Thatcherite Tories. What to do with them? When the pandemic was raging (due to Boris’ incompetence) and there were a thousand deaths each day, the government needed the nurses, doctors and NHS staff. Today, however, Boris and the Tories have decreed...
HANG YOUR HEAD IN SHAME KEIR STARMER. Tory Fibs: “Today, moments ago, Labour backed this policy. An £8billion income tax hike aimed at workers including those on minimum wage, those in the NHS & frontline workers. Meanwhile, Labour oppose increased tax on wealthy corporations.” Few are surprised at what Keir...
Over 110,000 socialists have left the Labour Party since Keir Starmer was elected. If another 110,000 leave after the September conference, where will these 220,000 political people find a new political home? Left Labour is a democratic socialist party designed to attract politically homeless democratic socialists. Its virtual Founding Conference...
President Bill Clinton once said, “It’s the economy, stupid.” He got that profoundly wrong. It’s not, ‘It’s the economy stupid,’ but ‘The economy’s stupid.’ Our economy creates unfairness. It undermines democracy. It destabilises social cohesion….. and it jeopardises the survival of our species.
The Mirror’s Susie Boniface was on Sky’s News Review last night. She was BRILLIANT!!! No holds barred... Here’s a sample. First she was asked to give her view on the Saudi reactions to the US report on the murder of Jamal Khashoggi… “I would have thought that ordering a murder and escaping...
First the facts: https://twitter.com/nazirafzal/status/1365262970889113602?s=20 It always important to know what one is talking about before talking about it. That way the conversation can at least be relevant and have a point. Then once we have these facts we can then proceed to debate. The debate will then be able to highlight that...
For those who support Boris Johnson and his government please explain to those who do not why you do given that the UK is the top of the league for Covid social murder. Jonathan Pie exposes the reality whilst Laura Kuenssberg and Robert Peston et al never do. Ask yourself...
Keir Starmer has been leader of Labour for nearly one year. In that time, we have apparently lost over 100,000 members, now face multiple lawsuits, have seen bullying and oppression of members, literal blocking of any ability to discuss key issues or even the basic human right of voting...
My first tweet to Boris Johnson
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Unfortunately I'm in need of displacing this continued bewilderment here. I've not watched this programme for mental health reasons (same sort of ban I gave Question Time) for many years now, but I've just completed my first state propaganda watch task today, subjecting myself to a torturous broad sweep...