14.3 C
Friday, September 20, 2024
First of all, watch this video of two Furbies gabbling at each other. Does this make any sense to you? Any real grip on reality? Even if you understood their 'language', it’d have no real bearing on reality. What has this to do with the politics of today? You guessed...
His name is Michael Rapoport. He is a Fox News reporter. He is described on social media as such: "He has quickly emerged as one of the most detestable propagandists in US history.". He regularly pumps out Zionist hate and falsehoods on his social media channels. Thus, when he stands in...
The economy is crumbling, but a leading Leave campaigner refuses to accept that leaving the largest trading block on the planet has anything to do with it, even though all the evidence is contrary. Of course, it is not the only reason, but alongside GB Spews, the propaganda...
Lord Ian Austin for services rendered to Boris Johnson. A quite wonderful response by John McDonnell pits the reptile back in the basket. "If you really want to show the Labour Party's changed, I would kick out John McDonnell," says independent peer @LordIanAustin.Labour's @johnmcdonnellMP responds by claiming Lord Austin has...
Sharing my last blog on the politics of hoplessness I ran into the now-age-old slur that, never mind what has been written, I am an ‘antisemite’ because ‘I support Jeremy Corbyn’. The ‘debate’ went on until I said something viciously impolite and blocked the attacker.  The concept of antisemitism has...
My partner, Anne, was diagnosed with a sarcoma (cancer of the connective or soft tissue) in 2009. She received good care and continued to do so when the malignancy metastasised to her lungs in 2017 (sarcoma often causes secondary sites in the lungs or in the brain). Anne died...
“Lord Nelson! Lord Beaverbrook! Sir Winston Churchill! Sir Anthony Eden! Clement Attlee! Henry Cooper! Lady Diana! Maggie Thatcher - can you hear me, Maggie Thatcher! Your boys took one hell of a beating! Your boys took one hell of a beating!” When Norway beat England in a World Cup qualifier...
Peter Hitchens argues that the Nazis were left-wing. That begs the question: is the Daily Mail left-wing too? By his logic, they must be. The owner of the Daily Mail, Lord Rothermere, and Hitler were pals. And also, Peter Hitchens, can you help with this, please? https://dorseteye.com/if-the-nazis-were-left-wing-why-did-they-bang-up-so-many-socialists-communists-and-trade-unionists-in-dachau/ Take your time. Douglas James If you like our content,...
I was surprised that David allowed himself to be subjected to this type of interview. It is biased, unbalanced, ill-informed, and frankly embarrassing. However, if one enters the lion's den of GB Spews, one must be ready. And David Miller was more than ready to expose these agenda-setting ignoranuses...
The renowned artist Ai Weiwei has drawn a striking parallel between contemporary political censorship in the West and the oppressive regime under Mao Zedong in China. Speaking to Sky News' Sunday Morning with Trevor Phillips, the 66-year-old dissident expressed his concerns, stating that the atmosphere in today's Western society...