12.5 C
Friday, June 28, 2024
Dorset Eye's Ten By Six programme invited Simon Hoare, MP for North Dorset, on to their show to ask him about why he voted against the government when most of his colleagues complied with the three line whip handed down by the government. He very eloquently explained his position...
All of these South West MP's voted AGAINST an ammendment that would have prevented the dumping of raw sewage. Steve Double – St Austell George Eustice – Camborne and Redruth Liam Fox – North Somerset Marcus Fysh – Yeovil James Heappey – Wells Simon Jupp – East Devon Chris Loder – West Dorset Cherilyn Mackrory – Truro...
For many this will not be that much of a surprise in hindsight, but for others this discussion is extremely revealing and in places jaw dropping. A Conservative councillor, who walked across the floor to the Green party, and a man who ran to become a Tory councillor explain their...
Been avidly watching The Big Match Revisited on Saturday mornings.  Re-runs of the old football show showing matches from the mid-to-late 1970’s. Some things make a stark contrast from today’s football: the shocking state of the pitches; back-passes which the ‘keepers (some of whom are not wearing gloves) pick up; and tackles that can only be described as ‘agricultural’ but...
Whenever a neo liberal inequality and exploitation hungry centrist starts applauding New Blue Labour let them have a gander at how their arguments have been tattered by... history. https://twitter.com/BenJolly9/status/1309445684966223873?s=20 And when they are struggling to get back up from the canvas knock them out with this https://dorseteye.com/the-labour-leadership-facts-that-centrists-cannot-handle/ And this: Douglas James
Dorset Police Crime Commissioner slams government for lack of guidance over 6 person rule
The system is at war with itself and the government's lack of clarity since the pandemic began and their members who publicly broke the rules has not helped at all. https://dorseteye.com/can-someone-please-explain-the-logic-of-the-governments-new-covid-19-policy-please/ https://dorseteye.com/boris-johnsons-covid-19-claims-destroyed-in-seconds/ Now the PCC for Dorset has joined the multitude. https://twitter.com/celticmaid4/status/1305975379631407104?s=20 Whatever one's politics it would take the most extremely dogmatic to not...
Today, 25 June, the Climate Change Committee are releasing a report that states the Government is failing to meet its 2050 zero carbon target, a target that is already dangerously too late. The Committee on Climate Change (CCC) is an independent, statutory body established under the Climate Change Act 2008.  Its...
Dear Keir, We, the undersigned, strongly oppose your recent repositioning of the Labour Party’s stance on the issue of the Kashmir conflict. This repositioning goes against fundamental values core to the integrity of the party and severely undermines the trust of voters and members who support and champion these values. While...
These are the questions formally submitted by both the public and councillors at tonight’s Full Council meeting for November 2019, and the answers given. Questions submitted for Public Participation Period Question 1: Submitted by Cllr David Harris (Weymouth Town Council) “Will the council please reconsider its policy of charging residents for having...
Seems like a plan. We all put this up and enjoy some policy content in preference to hot air and abuse about others. It is about time they justified themselves and what they intend to do. Douglas James