18.4 C
Monday, September 16, 2024
I again caution that in my estimation (and experience) the current campaign of incitement to hatred against Jeremy Corbyn has reached serious perhaps dangerous proportions. No-one in the state apparatus should underestimate the grave consequences should any harm befall him. George Galloway
The toddler you'll see in today's news, lying across two chairs for five hours with suspected meningitis. The deaths in hospitals. The crisis in the NHS, schools, social care, no housing, homeless sleeping in frozen doorways, the epidemic of unemployment, anxiety, insecure or no employment, frozen pay, child poverty...

Humanity Failing

When the banks are united in greed, amongst the innocent there will be fear and dread...as one day these rotten thieves will steal the hungry's bread. And an old power will rise again: To suck at the blood of the poor. Who will sit in shanty towns looking through...
What troubles me about the EU referendum is the quality of the discussion - it's being kept short-termist, narrowly self-interested and money-oriented. Not a good thing for a momentous, historic decision. One thing to say for the EU is that such a referendum is even possible: this wasn't the...
Caller well and truly owned on live radio. Douglas James
The definition of scrounging is seeking to obtain something, generally food or money, at the expense or generosity of others.  Scroungers is a term generally labelled to those claiming benefits, such as job seekers allowance, tax credits or disability benefits. My question today is, are these people really scroungers?...
Are you as sick as me of narcissistic men and women telling us to go to war with anyone who passes wind? Iran! Iraq! Libya! Russia! North Korea! Syria! They tap on their keyboards. They whine on Question Time whilst demanding a nuclear response. They call phone ins. They...
My Mum and Dad are lifelong Tory voters, but very disappointed in May and her cabinet. Just been to the beach with them, got a little sunburnt. I don't talk politics now the election is over, but Dad bought the topic up. Turns out they are absolutely seething that...
"After the blatant propaganda by the BBC Newsnight team, showing Corbyn in front of the Kremlin in a photoshopped 'leninist' hat as the show's backdrop, I felt this picture of my MP should be used to redress the balance on their next show." Jane 
As if getting to the bottom of some stories wasn't hard enough already, the technology to produce fake video has advanced to the point where it could soon be commonplace.  We are used to arguments about fake photos. Examples from recent days include an image of Emma Gonzalez,...