15.7 C
Thursday, September 19, 2024
I back what he is doing, as someone who voted for and campaigned for Remain, as did Corbyn himself. The EU referendum result would be honoured. All sides said this. No one said "Well, it's technically advisory, so if you don't vote as we like, we'll overrule it." It...
If this very brief clip is left on repeat in a very short time we will join this lady in her marbles less world. It is the kind of white noise that reflects the madness of millions in this country. To vote for someone who is untrustworthy. Who one CANNOT...
Neo Liberal Free Market Capitalism has spectacularly failed. So much so that the State bailed it out. This form of Capitalism, which controls most governments, at least in terms of how decisions are made, including our own government, should by its own ideology have been left to fail. TBC...
When placing a loved one into a nursing home, staff members have a duty to provide continuous and appropriate nursing care and attention. Unfortunately, elder abuse has become more prevalent and is rapidly becoming an epidemic in the United States. A common misconception among many is that mistreatment only...

How Do We Get Peace?

I am no expert on The Middle East, I know it has been an unstable and volatile region for a long time - there are no easy solutions I know that much - and whilst I don’t ally myself with dictators it has to be said that the people...
Twenty-four graves far from home mark the bloody red line of Britain’s border: its “open”, European border. This border is transparent for Brits travelling to Europe for work or play. It is transparent to vast flows of money and stocks on the international cable network. It is flown over...

Hit and Run. Advice please

Some nine months ago my mother was coming home along Church St in her car. She heard a car roaring before it came around the bend. The police said by the skid mark measurements they were doing some 70 miles an hour. They saw my mum and breaked hitting her...

Humanity Failing

When the banks are united in greed, amongst the innocent there will be fear and dread...as one day these rotten thieves will steal the hungry's bread. And an old power will rise again: To suck at the blood of the poor. Who will sit in shanty towns looking through...
What troubles me about the EU referendum is the quality of the discussion - it's being kept short-termist, narrowly self-interested and money-oriented. Not a good thing for a momentous, historic decision. One thing to say for the EU is that such a referendum is even possible: this wasn't the...
Caller well and truly owned on live radio. Douglas James