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Sunday, September 8, 2024
Dear Mr Cameron, Well, that was a bit of a mess wasn’t it? All this Maria Miller stuff just didn’t die when you wanted it too. Us wretched citizens just kept going on and on about right and wrong, morals and ethics and we wouldn’t shut the Hell up....
Neo Liberal Free Market Capitalism has spectacularly failed. So much so that the State bailed it out. This form of Capitalism, which controls most governments, at least in terms of how decisions are made, including our own government, should by its own ideology have been left to fail. TBC...


We talk about the war in Syria, Getting everyone to live in fear. But what they don't say is we're selling weapons to the enemy,  Just for our governments to make a few more pennies. Millions have to flee. And no matter how much we plea  Too many refugees...
This Summer, the trajectory of the Jeremy Corbyn surge has been mirrored by the most fascinating but also irritating brand of cuntpolitik. After frequent reminders of Yvette Cooper’s radical vagina, comment pieces about how abstaining from voting on savage cuts to tax credits was feminist and how real feminists would elect a...

The Blairite Malefactors

If the right wing Blairite extremists were merely foolish, greedy, and self serving, then their aspirations might perhaps be easily born by the rest of Labour, but this is not the case, and everybody knows it. No group or political movement can easily survive, when those with treachery in...
What troubles me about the EU referendum is the quality of the discussion - it's being kept short-termist, narrowly self-interested and money-oriented. Not a good thing for a momentous, historic decision. One thing to say for the EU is that such a referendum is even possible: this wasn't the...
Every Dorset MP voted last week to cut ESA disability benefit despite being warned by various charities that the cut to the Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) WRAG would make it more difficult for disabled people to find work and that many struggled to afford food on the benefit at...
Prime Minister. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/video/warning-over-floodwater-bacteria-173513926.html https://uk.news.yahoo.com/weather-rain-high-tides-39-risk-life-39-174319209.html https://uk.news.yahoo.com/uk-says-close-placing-order-f-35-jets-175615844--sector.html The above three links illustrate more clearly than anything I have yet seen, how this government is failing to live within its means.  Sure, we've had all the reports of Osborne's horrendous borrowing levels, even after he managed single-handedly to have our international credit...
Good morning my lovely, You must congratulate Giddy for me for another fine Budget. You boys should all be congratulated in fact. You certainly have your finger of the pulse of what hardworking people really want – 10% off bingo tax and 1p off beer. The fact this...
On 6th February 1918 the Representation of the People Act passed into law, extending voting rights to some women and all men over 21 for the first time. Until then, around 70% of the adult population were not allowed to vote. Today all adults are allowed to vote but...