18.4 C
Monday, September 16, 2024
So good of your Home Secretary to confirm what so many of us have been saying all along since the above enquiry was announced - that you and your Ministers would (and do) try anything you possibly could (and can) to ensure that it turns into a complete whitewash....


Interesting quotes from Dr. Josef Goebbels....or it could be The Cabinet Office, London...... ring any bells?........ "This is the secret of propaganda: those whom the propaganda is aimed at must become completely saturated with the ideas it contains, without ever realising that they are being saturated. Obviously the propaganda...
Dear Mr Cameron, Well, that was a bit of a mess wasn’t it? All this Maria Miller stuff just didn’t die when you wanted it too. Us wretched citizens just kept going on and on about right and wrong, morals and ethics and we wouldn’t shut the Hell up....
'Dear Richard Drax MP, I am writing to ask you to oppose any bombing or military escalation in Syria. The prime minister is trying to win support for such a vote in parliament, but such military intervention would be completely wrong and counter-productive. The disastrous situation in Syria is the result...
She was in power for just on 11 years and during those short 11yrs (or long years as the case maybe) she caused division, created social and industrial unrest the like of which had most likely never been seen before in this country. She created wealth but as always...
I read with amusement and incredulity the piece by Edwin Stratton-MacKay, and have decided to correct most of what he wrote. He first assumes that only ISIL is sending islamic terrorists into Europe, using the migration crisis as a cover. There are many such groups doing this, and there will be individuals who...
Let the people speak. People standing together. Lament.  Dignity. Silence. Nobody using this tragedy to spread hate. No cheap political points. No one reacting to my children being bombed by saying we should bomb other children off the face of the earth. On top of feeling heartbroken and empty...

Well, well Cruella

Well, well, Cruella.The reports in the links leave us with a choice, don't they?  Either you're as thick as two short planks, or you're just plain evil.  What is beyond question is that you're a spineless coward with all the moral rectitude of a murderess.  You won't agree to...
On Sunday, I woke up to two emerging news stories. The first was of little consequence – my Facebook and Twitter timelines were filled with various friends realising that I had got up to a little mischief in town on Saturday with a street stall of Brexiteers, which was...
Turn on the BBC this morning, read the newspapers, it's just relentless. Jeremy Corbyn is known for his activism against racism, he has NEVER been a racist, he has NEVER said anything racist, he had won 2 global peace awards for Christ's sake. The establishment fully backed by the Israeli...