17.7 C
Friday, May 17, 2024
There will be little sympathy in the West as, yet again, besieged Palestinians are bombed by Israel, their immense suffering justified by the term ‘Israeli retaliation’ The current outpouring of sympathy for Israel should make anyone with half a heart retch. Not because it is not awful that Israeli civilians are...
As useful as it may be to distort history and manufacture a narrative to appeal to patriots and nationalists the facts of victory and why we are not all goose stepping our way to the grave can clearly be summarised right here. It was a collective effort. It was about...
That Boris Johnson would catch Coronavirus was entirely predictable.  His sense of entitlement made him feel invulnerable, an attitude stemming from Eton, Bullingdon Club, etc etc.  His risky life style, the long string of affairs, infidelities and broken marriages are testament to this. Even as Foreign Secretary, he jetted off...
Things often look the way they do because someone claiming authority tells us they look that way. If that sounds too cynical, pause for a moment and reflect on what seemed most important to you just a year ago, or even a few weeks ago. Then, you may have been...
This is not to suggest that Brexit was wrong just that the Leavers are about to find out what the USA putting their interests first looks like. https://twitter.com/celticmaid4/status/1404379698755481600?s=20 Penny Lane PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A MONTH https://dorseteye.com/donate/
The sooner as many people see this and realise what is going on at the top of the privileged fascist tree the better. Whether a Trump disciple or an arch enemy of this malignancy the world needs to know. That way no one can escape responsibility if they do...
'That much' I hear you say. But what a 51 seconds it is. https://twitter.com/1kilroywashere/status/1498356058888228872?s=20&t=sXTdpzKX0muYEXor4NIkTQ And to spoil you: https://dorseteye.com/rarely-do-you-hear-or-see-a-piece-of-journalism/ Penny Lane If you like our content please keep us going for as little as £2 a month https://dorseteye.com/donate/
They either didn't do their homework or they simply don't care. A standing ovation for an ex member of the Waffen SS is where western politics is now. Who were the Waffen SS? The Waffen-SS, was the armed wing of the Schutzstaffel (SS), which was a paramilitary organisation under Adolf Hitler...
On 5 March 2022 a number of Conservative MPs, including the Brexit Opportunities Minister Jacob Rees-Mogg, tweeted a chart claiming that the value of Russian bank assets sanctioned by the UK was higher than those sanctioned by either the US or the EU. The graph shows £258.8 billion worth of...

Public Enemy No 1

Enemies I’d like to talk about the enemies of humanity. The people who brought us to the state we’re in. The people who run our economy, own our corporations and control our media. The 0.1%. “The 0.1%?” Yes. “Not the 1%?” The 1% are disproportionately wealthy, disproportionately influential and disproportionately polluting, it’s true… But...