15.2 C
Sunday, May 19, 2024
“I have ordered Keith Stalin to cease & desist with this blatant plagiarism of Alan. This has had a devastating affect on the popularity of Alan and is costing me millions in revenue”. A Labour spokesperson responded: “We wish to state that Sir Keir fully acknowledges the many...
Dorset Eye has been sent an exclusive image of Colin the Caterpillar undressed and in the nude. Less eye candy and more rolls. However, to further complicate his reputation Colin is now suing Cuthbert, who has three trademarks of Colin. Cuthbert though is raising an army of caterpillars to...
Finally the CCTV with audio has been released. And Jonathan Pie's analysis: https://dorseteye.com/jonathan-pie-on-matthew-hancock-and-he-does-not-hold-back/ Douglas James PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A MONTH https://dorseteye.com/donate/
A load of angry white men gather every year in some non descript part of the country to shout and abuse passers by. This year Hoddesdon has the 'pleasure'. For the rest of the year they live in caves hidden away on some moor or another singing songs from...
You may need an asthma inhaler to hand before watching this. Penny Lane PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A MONTH https://dorseteye.com/donate/
“Oh great, so the germs are gone?” “Ummmm yeah, pretty much... I mean technically there’s more deaths per day than there was when they closed the school... but I’m sure it’s fine.” “I can’t wait to play with my friends!” “Well yeah, you might see some of your friends,...
Have kept the supermarket, somewhere in Dorset, anonymous. A warning to all: Having queued up, patiently and socially distancing, as I neared the entrance a shop worker clipped a carabena onto the belt loop of my jeans, my perplexed expression must have said it all as she explained that whilst people...
Alistair Green explains why he got the contract and where the confusion occurred when he got it all wrong. https://twitter.com/1kilroywashere/status/1363458520369270787?s=20 What the High court decided: https://dorseteye.com/uk-government-acted-unlawfully/ Douglas James PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A MONTH https://dorseteye.com/donate/
The Grand Tour headline image
We're not sure when this was aired but whilst browsing the latest social media sensation 'TikTok', this beauty popped up.
The following transcript has been leaked to Dorset Eye and appears to be from a Government Cabinet meeting on 16th March……. Her Majesty’s Government Cabinet Meeting – 16th March 2020 Meeting held at 10 Downing Street Transcript Present: Boris Johnson ​​Prime Minister Rishi Sunak ​​Chancellor of the Exchequer Priti Patel​​ Secretary of State for the Home Department Dominic Raab​​ Secretary...