13.8 C
Sunday, May 19, 2024
Simply breathtakingly brilliant. No need to tune in for an update anymore on any day. Just re watch this and the summation is in place. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYUMQL5ABPw&feature=youtu.be Douglas James
'AKA anything you like' has decided to move to Spain as he no longer feels safe in the UK. The man who has dedicated his youth and early adulthood to terrorising people because of their religion, culture and general look has now sought to run away from the threat...
As always he was looking for something to beat the NHS with to show how badly run and loss making things were. While Hunt was checking the books, he turned to the executive of the hospital and said “I notice you buy a lot of bandages. What do you do...

Only in Poole I swear

I have just been to the Sainsbury's garage for petrol and I've seen 2 police were watching a woman who was smoking while filling her car up. I thought, is she stupid, crazy, or both, especially with the police standing RIGHT there?! I minded my own business put 30...
'I am not one who thinks that there is a pedophile ring at Westminster. I think it is more of a queue.' Frankie saying what millions think. https://twitter.com/1kilroywashere/status/1286653637423374336?s=20 James Finlayson
The wonderful response to Lee Anderson, Tory MP for Ashfield in Nottinghamshire, by his 'son' is a must watch. It follows on from Anderson using his slot on GB Spews earlier in the week to detail how the British university system 'turned his son in to a vegetarian'. https://dorseteye.com/30p-lee-anderson-reveals-the-moment-his-son-betrayed-him/ His 'son'...
Karl Marx is a historically famous philosopher but no-one ever mentions his sister Onya, the inventor of the starting pistol. Keep them coming. Don't mind if I do... https://dorseteye.com/a-car-load-of-drunks-pulls-up/ Penny Lane PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A MONTH https://dorseteye.com/donate/
Not only is he wanted merely for existing the GB News and Daily Heil employee has now been filmed 'removing' flowers. Call me Mr Picky but I was under the impression that one was supposed to help florists retire at these times not undermine their profits. Especially given how much...
Simon Harris is organising this fundraiser. I am raising money to build a sea border wall in the English Channel to protect the United Kingdom from illegal immigrants. Our government has said that they intend to turn migrant boats back and force them into French waters, but they won't need...
The joke today was that if Nicola Sturgeon took her own life Boris Johnson would follow her in a couple of days. Perhaps she should just pretend to. Penny Lane PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A MONTH https://dorseteye.com/donate/