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Saturday, July 27, 2024
I have been doing some research across twitter, looking at various politics hashtags & accounts. After searching through a numerous amount, I found an account called @MAY_A_PAIN (See pic attached) This account is the best one on twitter. They do everything UK politics - • Tweet about #PMQs • AIM tweets @theresa_may...
Healthwatch Dorset has been finding out more about women’s experience of screening services to help inform local GP’s and the national NHS screening programme. Fewer women are going for cervical and breast screening appointments. According to the NHS, 1 in 4 women did not attend a cervical screening appointment in...


WE NEED YOU NOW! Because of the amazing success of Dorset Eye the costs of hosting, managing and updating the site have escalated significantly. Dorset Eye has a unique model of empowering the public. Without the funds to meet this hosting payment we will struggle to continue in the longer...
Norman Transylvania Tebbit has been at it again. The hidden hand of fascism instructing from above no doubt. He claims that the centralisation of power in to the grasp of a small group of individuals is no longer known as 'fascism' and resides on the far right of politics....
Any sensible person will shout hoorah! https://twitter.com/Corbynator2/status/1048864963161481216 Douglas James
The denial of popular sovereignty by mainstream leaders allows demagogues like Trump to pose as democratic champions. He gets almost everything wrong. But last weekend Donald Trump got something right. To the horror of the other leaders of the rich world, he defended democracy against its detractors. Perhaps predictably, he...
A colony of fairy penguins, have moved into a brand new state-of-the-art enclosure at Weymouth SEA LIFE Adventure Park, opening on Saturday, May 26. Twenty fairy penguins have relocated from Manly SEA LIFE Sanctuary in Australia to Weymouth in Dorset, due to the closure of the Manly Sanctuary in February....

Baby Steps

Healthwatch Dorset have published a new report about maternity services in Dorset, called Baby Steps.   Healthwatch Dorset spoke to over 100 local women and their families to find out what it's really like when you have a baby in Dorset. They organised two events in Boscombe, ran a facebook survey and...
More than 300 Bournemouth & Poole College students took part in a charity football tournament and carried out random acts of kindness as part of their Student Volunteering Week. The fifth year of the event, which ran from 19to 23 March and was organised by the Students’ Union, featured...
The incident happened at around 10.15am on Saturday 17 March 2018 as the victim - a woman aged in her 50s - was walking her dog in Puddletown Forest.She had got lost and flagged down a passing cyclist to ask for directions. As the man was giving her directions...