Residents and visitors to Weymouth harbour can learn how the borough council is helping to improve their harbour users’ experiences this weekend.
On Saturday 16 April, NBC Bird and Pest Solutions, will be hosting a birds of prey display outside the Weymouth Harbour Office on Custom House Quay from 11am – noon.
These birds are used to deter gulls from the harbour so that visitors can enjoy the ‘sitting out culture’ on the harbour and enjoy a meal or drinks without being interrupted.
Weymouth & Portland Borough Council’s Harbourmaster Keith Howorth said: “The purpose of this event is to inform people about how we use the birds to deter gulls from damaging boats and property and also how we try to stop them disturbing visitors to the harbour who may be out enjoying a meal or a few drinks.
“It is also an opportunity for us to explain why we are encouraging visitors and users of the harbour not to feed the gulls and birds that fly around the harbour.”
The borough council has been using birds of prey to deter gulls since July 2014