Oh dear oh dear.

In trying to defend one mistake she pushes the whole government down the ravine.

Pity the Select Committee missed it though.

And where were the corporate media? Usually they are in the loop. Oh yes they are doing what they are doing now. Wall to wall non contextualised ahistorical nonsense.

And then when attempting to suggest that Brits could fight in Ukraine she ignores UK laws which would make every one of them a criminal.

Perhaps Descartes was right. Perhaps we are all dreaming.

Douglas James


And now to add even more fuel to this fire it appears, according to The Guardian, that Roman Abramovich was moving his wealth three weeks before Putin ‘invaded’ parts of Ukraine.

‘Trusts holding billions of dollars of assets for Roman Abramovich were amended to transfer beneficial ownership to his children shortly before sanctions were imposed on the Russian oligarch.

Leaked files seen by the Guardian suggest 10 secretive offshore trusts established to benefit Abramovich were rapidly reorganised in early February 2022, three weeks before the start of Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine.

The sweeping reorganisation of Abramovich’s financial affairs commenced just days after governments threatened to impose sanctions against Russian oligarchs in the event of an invasion.

The leaked documents raise questions about whether the changes to trusts were made in an attempt to shield the oligarch’s vast fortune from the threat of asset freezes.

Analysis suggests the amendments made Abramovich’s seven children, the youngest of whom is nine years old, beneficiaries of trusts holding assets worth at least $4bn, though the total value could be much higher.

The changes appear to have made the children the ultimate beneficial owners of trophy assets long-linked to their father, including luxury properties and a fleet of superyachts, helicopters and private jets.’

Read more….

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