After many years and experience in the working world, I’ve decided to start something new again.
I will be offering training courses for teenagers / young adults starting in November!
Due to increasing demand, each course starts on the principle of first come, first served.
Coaching and practical tasks
One module runs for over 6 weeks.
The course is aimed at all young people
Participation via Zoom or in the team is possible.
Module 1:
“Toilet paper”
How does the paper get out of the wrapper and into the toilet paper holder? What happens when toilet paper is empty?
Group discussion and practical exercises
Module 2:
“Dirty clothes”—what do we do next?
Difference between the laundry basket and floor.
PowerPoint Presentation and Chart
Module 3:
“Basics of dishwasher”
How do dishes get off the table and into the dishwasher?
In-depth Seminar:
Difficulties and solution strategies for removing dishes and rubbish from the bedroom.
Module 4:
“How do you find stuff without asking your parents?” “
Open discussion/opening cupboards.
Module 5:
How do the clean dishes get back into the right place in the kitchen cupboard?
Video example and practical exercises
Module 6:
“Sink function + the roll out”
We do practical exercises on what a clean table means and what is needed to drain a sink.
Practical exercises in groups.
If you would like your interests… published, submit via
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