One of the key tasks falling to the Police and Crime Commissioner is agreeing the Force budget each financial year, including setting the Council Tax precept element of police funding.
Funding for Dorset Police is essentially made up of a mixture of central government grant and Council Tax precept. Before making his precept recommendation to the Police and Crime Panel, Dorset’s PCC Martyn Underhill wishes to consult more widely with local people over the proposals.
The table on our website presents some realistic options for the precept in 2013/14 and their implications for the police budget over the next three financial years. Having considered this information, we would like people across Dorset to vote for the option that they support using the on-line poll.
This will then help to inform Martyn Underhill’s final proposal which will be presented to the Police and Crime Panel meeting on 7 February 2013.
If you wish to view more detailed information on how the police budget is calculated then please go to our website
Our detailed Money Reckoner tool also enables people to change the levels of council tax precept increase (or decrease) at the top and adjusts the budget to show the full implications to the force.
Dorset PCC