Jeremy Corbyn faced significant internal opposition during his tenure as Labour Party leader from 2015 to 2020. Several prominent Labour politicians were known to have publicly criticised or undermined his leadership. Here are some key figures:

  1. Tom Watson: As the Deputy Leader of the Labour Party, Watson was often at odds with Corbyn and was vocal in his criticism, particularly regarding Corbyn’s handling of Brexit and allegations of antisemitism within the party.
  2. Chuka Umunna: Initially a prominent member of the Labour Party, Umunna became a vocal critic of Corbyn’s leadership and eventually left the party to form The Independent Group, later known as Change UK.
  3. Hilary Benn: As Shadow Foreign Secretary, Benn clashed with Corbyn, notably delivering a speech in Parliament supporting airstrikes in Syria, contrary to Corbyn’s stance. Benn was later sacked from the Shadow Cabinet.
  4. Margaret Hodge: A long-serving MP, Hodge was a fierce critic, particularly vocal about antisemitism within the party. She famously called Corbyn “a racist and an antisemite” to his face.
  5. Luciana Berger: Berger, another vocal critic of Corbyn’s handling of antisemitism, left the party in 2019 and joined The Independent Group.
  6. Ian Austin: Austin frequently criticized Corbyn’s leadership and eventually resigned from the party, citing the party’s direction under Corbyn as his reason.
  7. Jess Phillips: An outspoken MP, Phillips often criticized Corbyn’s leadership style and policies. She was vocal about her concerns regarding antisemitism and the party’s approach to Brexit.
  8. Chris Leslie: Leslie was another member who left Labour to join The Independent Group, expressing concerns over Corbyn’s leadership and the party’s direction.
  9. Angela Smith: Smith also joined The Independent Group after leaving Labour, criticizing Corbyn’s leadership and the party’s handling of various issues.
  10. John Woodcock: Woodcock resigned from the party in 2018, citing Corbyn’s leadership as a primary reason and expressing concerns about antisemitism and national security.
  11. Mike Gapes: Gapes left Labour to join The Independent Group, criticizing Corbyn’s stance on foreign policy and the handling of antisemitism allegations.
  12. Gavin Shuker: Another MP who left to join The Independent Group, Shuker was critical of Corbyn’s leadership and the party’s approach to Brexit and internal issues.
  13. Owen Smith: Smith challenged Corbyn for the Labour leadership in 2016, representing a faction within the party dissatisfied with Corbyn’s leadership.
  14. Liz Kendall: A leadership candidate in 2015, Kendall was consistently critical of Corbyn’s policies and direction for the party.
  15. Yvette Cooper: Although not as openly rebellious as some others, Cooper often challenged Corbyn on policy issues, particularly around Brexit.
  16. David Blunkett: The former Home Secretary was vocal about his concerns regarding Corbyn’s leadership and its impact on the party’s electoral prospects.
  17. Tony Blair: The former Prime Minister, though no longer in active politics, frequently criticized Corbyn’s approach and the direction he was taking the party.
  18. Gordon Brown: Similar to Blair, Brown was critical of Corbyn’s leadership, particularly his handling of economic policies and the party’s stance on key issues.
  19. Jack Straw: The former Foreign Secretary expressed concerns over Corbyn’s leadership and its impact on Labour’s traditional voter base.
  20. Siobhain McDonagh: An MP who publicly criticized Corbyn’s leadership and the party’s handling of internal issues.
  21. Tristram Hunt: Hunt, a former Shadow Education Secretary, resigned from the party citing disillusionment with Corbyn’s leadership.
  22. Michael Dugher: A former Shadow Secretary of State for Culture, Media, and Sport, Dugher was sacked by Corbyn and subsequently became a vocal critic.
  23. Jamie Reed: Reed resigned as an MP in 2017, openly criticizing Corbyn’s leadership and its impact on the Labour Party’s direction.
  24. John Mann: Mann was a frequent critic of Corbyn, especially regarding his handling of antisemitism within the party.
  25. Stephen Kinnock: Although often more measured in his criticism, Kinnock was part of the faction that questioned Corbyn’s ability to lead the party to electoral success.
  26. Peter Mandelson: The former Labour grandee and key figure in the New Labour movement was highly critical of Corbyn’s leadership and its ideological direction.
  27. Frank Field: Field resigned the Labour whip in 2018, citing the leadership’s handling of antisemitism and other issues as his reasons.
  28. Ruth Smeeth: Smeeth was another MP who frequently criticized Corbyn’s handling of antisemitism and the party’s direction.
  29. Angela Eagle: Eagle initially launched a leadership challenge against Corbyn in 2016, highlighting internal discontent with his leadership.
  30. Dan Jarvis: While not as vocal as others, Jarvis was part of the moderate faction within Labour that was critical of Corbyn’s direction for the party.

These saboteurs, including the current Labour leader, Keir Starmer, are the main reason why we have faced immense hardships under the current government because Labour MPs plotted and worked flat out to undermine a Labour government by throwing both general elections in 2017 and 2019. Those saboteurs were directly rewarded by the Tories for their services, including seats in the House of Lords, as a payback for their dirty deeds, because they hated the then Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn. A Corbyn government, would never greenlight a massacre that is on the verge of decimating an entire population of mostly women and children in Gaza. A Corbyn government would never have sanctioned the weapons used to massacre these people. A Corbyn government would have looked after the British people and not sacrificed them to a cost of living crisis and austerity. A Corbyn government would have stamped out the corruption that was rife under the Tories. A Corbyn government would have put the country first, not openly abused it for the sake of a few billionaires.

Just some of those who helped the Tories get in in 2019 in picture form.

A report eventually revealed the treachery and lies that were told by establishment figures to prevent Jeremy Corbyn upsetting their treachery

Never forget the traitors. They have long forgotten you.

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