Make no mistake good people of Dorset.
Imagine this flag over the Town Hall!
It’s coming, like an unstoppable Tsunami if there is a YES vote in June. Slowly, surely, hardly noticeable at first, like a slow cancer except it will gradually enslave and engulf mankind. The Germans may have lost the war but the Nazis didn’t, they are still very much alive and have resurrected themselves as the EU.
Not bombs, tanks and bullets this time but using far more subtle means….. economic meltdown and the slow theft of your freedoms and wealth. Seen your Council Tax Bill?, one of the biggest scam thefts going.
Maybe not in your lifetime will this tragedy take place but in that of your children and theirs too.
Western Governments are no more than the glove puppets of the Banks and big Corporations……Corporate Fascism is the rightful name.
Surveillance Cameras everywhere, armed Police totally corrupt as they already are, stop and search, false flags terror attacks,The Terrorism Act, stupid legislation, mass immigration, the loss of your property cos you can’t afford it.
Watch out for the impending Internment Camps for any opposition
MEPs desperate not to lose their cushy jobs spouting fear and false propaganda in the media, Dorset Politicians to a man spreading lies and untruths by the same method.
Vote NO loud and clear, so the chances of a planned rigged vote are hugely reduced.
The next step is to expose the lot of them, MEPs, Local Councillors, The local Police Hierarchy, Westminster MPs too.
They may or may not know it but they are all being used as ‘useful idiots’ by a taxpayer funded Brussels Nazi Party. They think they will be rewarded for their treachery but you’ll be standing next to all of them behind the wire.
Plain and simple, the TRUTH never needs to be explained or justified
James Pulleine