Of course this didn’t happen. At all. In any way. Anywhere. Ever. Darren Slater is a liar.Aye, I’m talking to you, son.
Being charitable, this is nothing more than fevered conjecture, rumour, lies and the sadly now-traditional Muslim-baiting Christmas urban myth.
UPDATE: Nicholas: ‘Just come off the phone to Lloyds HQ to warn them that some racist pig in Coventry is trying to slander Lloyds on social media lol – they do put up xmas decorations, and just as I expected the only reason why some branches may have a lack of them is because of health & safety, nothing else.’
Apart from anything if Dazzer the ignorant bigot actually knew anything at all about Islam then he’d know that in Islam Jesus is revered as an important prophet. Given that, it’s hard to see any Muslim mortally offended by a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.
But I tell you what; I’ll make it easy for you racist quarter-wits to earn yourselves an easy oner for Christmas. Just think; a free ton for more Stella or those chunky easy-to-hold crayons. Or, in Darren’s case, the cash would clearly be better spent taking some English lessons.
I’ll give a £100.00 to the first person that provides documented, verifiable proof from anybodies/organisations – not just Lloyd’s Bank – that any of them anywhere banned decorations, trees, nativity plays, Christmas trees, Santa fucking Clause, mince pies or Rudolph because any Muslim anywhere in the UK – not just Coventry – ever complained.
If anyone actually does chance their arm (and I’m expecting at least 768 applicants from the cerebral flatliners who ‘liked’ and/or ‘shared’ Darren’s gibbering nonsense, with Darren himself leading the pack) then once I’ve debunked your rubbish and left your laughable claim in tatters, then you make just a £25.00 donation on my behalf to theNewcastle Islamic Diversity Centre.
Off you go…