When AI Took Over Subtitles
We often have subtitles on when film-watching (from DVD or from a streaming service). Subtitles used to be created by people known as ‘closed captioners’ or ‘subtitlers.’ These days, many subtitles are created by AI, with varying degrees of accuracy.
So, last night, we watched a 2019 film called Beneath The Leaves. The film was mediocre, and the subtitles were appallingly bad – so much so that they simply could not have been created by a human. They often made no sense and were a mixture of weird, infuriating, and hilarious!
One guy hands another guy a beer. Recipient says: “Thanks Man” Subtitle says: “Thanks Ma’am”.
But this one just had to be shared. This guy just said: “Like old times”………

Be careful what you wish for!