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Saturday, July 27, 2024
Home Dorset North Walking the Elephant Home - Dorset North

Walking the Elephant Home - Dorset North

Put the laugh back in the belly.

I Am Albion

I am Albion and therefore a rebel by birthright. I am the fruits and seeds fell from the trees rooted in soilWorked by the Levellers and the Diggers,claimed by the trespassers of Kinder Scout, the striking minersof Orgreave, the Chartists of Peterloo, the women of Grunwicks,the massed blockaders of...

Extraordinarily Human

Sensational you.Breathing,And eating,And living,And doing,And thinking,And loving.And all this before you go to work,And do you daily grind,To earn a crust,Afor ye go bust,To feed your kids,And earn their trust.Sensational You,Making,And walking,Laughing,And Talking,Listening,And Yawning,So to bed,Ye go,The day’s work done,To sleep,To dream,Sensational one. Kanjin Tor

Unless you make the bombs

War, it's a terrible thing!Unless you make the bombs?Then you're on the gravy train,receiving unearned Honours and Gongs Kanjin Tor

Judgement Day

Not even going to bother with this one as I’m too fucking bored with the British public and the world to be honest. Today is the day Blair WILL walk for War Crimes. 70 FUCKING YEARS UNTIL WE ARE ALLOWED TO FIND OUT BLAIR MURDERED DR KELLY???? ARE YOU...

Day 11 out of the EU

I...just...what ju..??? Say..WHUUUUUUT??? Um, buuuuh....???? I'm sorry. Perhaps I misheard you because I SWEAR you just told me that YOU WERE FUCKING RESIGNING FARAGE???? I'm struggling to find the words people...I have a massive red lump on my forehead right about now from the BIGGEST DOUBLE FACE PALM I've...

Day 8 out of the EU

Apologies for no article yesterday I was in hospital having my fucking sides stitched up after they split wide open from spending the entire day PISSING MYSELF LAUGHING at what’s just happened… I mean, you are SHITTING me right??? I mean, seriously…you are taking the piss yeah? This is...

What a Mess!

So they flog a lot of bollocks in the press?what a mess.You thought a few rich guys knew best?what a mess.More people can cross a box than can pass a maths test.what a mess.Gross dodo 'bojo' and nigel the toad incest.what a mess.Some said left exit but i'm yet...

Day 6 out of the EU

We’ve all been had. On an INDUSTRIAL scale. Allow me… Religion = Believing in something with no evidence. Aliens = Believing in something existing with no evidence. The Emperor’s New Clothes = Believing you are fully clothed because someone told you this was the case and even though you...
I just imagined a comical conversation between JC and one of the party faithful. MP: What if the people staging the coup are right? JC: Trust me, they are right....... Far too far to the right MP: But there's no one left JC: That has been the problem since...