Prime Minister,
Today is my 53rd birthday, and I have to say that in those years I have seen reports of maybe five atrocities committed by governments upon their people around the world. Your government’s war on the poor has necessitated the use of my other hand to begin adding to that count. By “atrocities,” I mean despicable deeds at the level occupied by the likes of Idi Amin’s pogrom and the Pol Pot massacres. Your place in the chain has been earned by your government’s behaviour causing a new word to enter the everyday language of the British public – Democide – referring to the systematic extermination of a particular sector of the population. I urge you to remember well the fate that awaited those who did that in the 1940s because, Prime Minister, I can assure you that we WILL achieve similar justice for the deaths that have been caused by your Work & Pensions Secretary and his minions under your command and the encouragement of your Chancellor.
It has always been a mark of the Conservatives to take every single disagreement that you have with the public to the stage where physical conflict becomes inevitable. The last of your kind to do this was Thatcher when she introduced the Poll Tax. At any level of discussion, as with the recent WOW debate, it is not your way to even condescend to even attend as the Prime Minister, and even your delegated Ministers – if they can drum up the courage to face their critics – make it very plain that they would really rather be elsewhere. In short, the Conservatives make it blindingly obvious that you do not give a tuppenny fig for the people of this country. You care only about the acquisition of wealth, for either yourselves or for those in the financial and industrial spheres who pull your strings. The fact that you and your Ministers know it is wrong is evidenced by your W&P Secretary’s cowardly behaviour at the end of his visit to the Job Centre in Bath recently. Not only did he leave by the rear door to avoid facing protestors, but he even hunched down in the back of the car to avoid being seen and recognised! He failed, by the way in his own inimitable and continuous style, which is how I know what he did. What was up – were all the armed police, who I notice are receiving 11% less than you as a pay rise this year – on their days off?
A glaring example of the contrasts that your style of government generates can be seen clearly in the second and third links above. Ordinary people helping to feed their peers, while YOUR peers are creaming off millions of pounds per month in expenses. In the period shown, the average claim was for £135 per DAY. That is twice the amount that a person on Job-Seeker’s Allowance has to live on for a WEEK. No-one in their right mind can possibly consider this to be in any way fair, yet your government is determined to take even that pittance away from those in need through often illegal sanctions. It does not seem to have registered with you that the “culture of entitlement” that you have been at pains to denigrate exists because people, having paid an insurance premium for that assistance, actually ARE entitled to the support. We could, and now actually do, compare our culture to yours. You, in Wasteminster, consider yourselves ENTITLED to claim expenses and a huge culture of fraud has been exposed in that regard; where is the difference between you and us, Prime Minister, apart from the statistics that show that our level of fraud is far smaller?
Now I see that you wish to demote Shappie Chappie, who has been one of those most guilty of demonising the poor via the gutter press. While I suppose that the poor should be grateful for the reduction in our vilification that such a move would offer, I have to say that I feel a great sympathy for the immigrant and migrant population who are bound to suffer the same fate once he get’s his feet under his shiny new table. Let’s hope he’s too “Green” to make much of a dent in race relations before May 2015 sees him and the rest of you flung out on your ears.
Looking back over the years that I can remember, and those atrocities that have been, and are being, committed, one thing becomes very obvious: Without governments being in place in the first instance, these atrocities would not have happened.
Says a lot, doesn’t it, Prime Minister?
Darren Lynch