My soul has homeland in the Purbeck Isle
Unforgotten paths from childhood
Remain my loved companions
Shared many times with sure father’s hand
Redundant was the need for our conversation
But more we pointed overland to views
Or sightings of birds of prey
Hovering in the moody sky aloft
Cliffs tower like sea cathedrals
Inland oft feet made pilgrimage
Up to the spires on Jurassic Coast
Limestone white into far distance
Many vistas ruled still by Corfe Castle
That majestic ruin plagued by treachery
Where still sheep graze it’s mound
Home there before the Saxon days
My soul has homeland in the Purbeck Isle
Native now returned to hills my father chose
Other scenes have pleased my eye
None other gives me such repose
Chrissie Morris Brady
Chrissie lives in Poole and has written two collections of poetry, as well as being published in anthologies and ezines. She dabbles with photography and writes occasional book reviews and articles.