The smell of blood gets stronger.

The vultures are gathering to pick over the carcase of a failing and desperate Prime Minster.

Dominic Cummings said that Johnson would be on his way without doing a full term, looks like his ‘Superforecasters’ (formerly known as soothsayers/fortune tellers) were right .

The Liar in Chief’s bizarre performance before the CBI, was not a ‘policy mishap’ it was a further indication that his immature development of mind, the constant references to his shallow reading material, Clark Kent etc.

His second class degree in Greek fairy stories, and his total lack of responsibility, honour and any trace of a moral or ethical code, his string of abandoned mistresses, wives and kids, his alarming capacity for self delusion, have not prepared him to face the demands of high public office.

Johnson’s deficiencies of character, which are enough in themselves to disbar him from his present position, are aggravated by his bossy and demanding wife, who gives the appearance of having far too much influence on his weak and indecisive mind, not to mention baby Wilfred, and the arrival of yet another mouth to feed.

Johnson would have been fine as the Prime Minister in a time of a booming economy, prosperity and trebles all round. Sadly he has been responsible for so many U turns and serial cock ups and has created so much division, mistrust, and unrest in the UK, internationally, and even in his own Party, all of which were designed to keep himself in No.10, the Complete Cons in power, and the lower orders, happy, that he is now running out of friends.

Who will be his successor? Surely not ‘Raab the Unready’, or Liz (not to be) Truss (ted)?

Johnson will never be equalled as regards his capacity for breaking promises, telling outright lies when the truth would be perfectly adequate, betrayal of trust, a complete lack of loyalty, honour or any trace of a moral or ethical code.

Let us hope that the electorate have learned a lesson; the lesson will have cost much and not just in terms of money, when this shambolic Premiership comes to its inevitable and dismal end.

Richard Ineson

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