I’m often asked what being a psychic means. Do psychics have magical powers? Are we delusional or simply ‘not right in the head’? So I’m going to set the record straight and tell you exactly what being a psychic medium means to me. I’ll be completely honest about what I do and what I believe. You might disagree with me, be surprised or think I’m speaking nonsense, but at the very least, I hope you’ll gain some valuable insight into what being a psychic medium or clairvoyant really is and why I, and many others, have chosen to work in this field.
First of all, I certainly don’t believe that psychics or mediums have any kind of super powers or magic abilities. In fact, I believe that every single one of us has the ability to communicate with people who have passed, each of us possessing varying degrees of natural psychic ability. Yes, some people naturally find it easier to access and use this ability than others. But I’ve seen people who have worked very hard at it and through years of dedicated meditation, have achieved incredible results. The reality is that anyone can do it, if they choose to do so. I was lucky enough to be born with a natural awareness of the Spirit World and although I struggled to understand it until I was much older, I’m pleased that this is a part of my life. It’s who I am and I certainly wouldn’t change it.
Let’s get the term ‘psychic medium’ sorted out once and for all. To be honest I don’t like this label very much, but I think it’s important to let you know what it means to me and why I decided to use it.
I grew up believing that mediums and psychics were nothing more than a bunch of fraudulent con-artists. In my defence, this was based on my limited experience at the time, consisting entirely of TV psychics and the media’s definition of a medium. The best examples of which were usually to be found in various TV detective dramas, where, for example, the psychic would be an unsavoury and slightly comic character at a village fete, sat mysteriously in a darkened tent, gazing into a crystal ball, and who also happened to be the prime murder suspect.
It wasn’t until I grew much older when it dawned on me that the experiences I had of the Spirit World meant I was in fact one of those misfits that I’d ridiculed for so long. How ironic. It was time to re-examine many of my long-held opinions, beliefs and preconceived ideas.
One of the main reasons why I decided to use the ‘psychic medium’ job title is simply because I think it is the easiest and most straightforward term to describe what I do. It nearly does what it says on the tin but the term is loaded with baggage. You could call me a ‘clairvoyant’ (but you may be surprised at the number of people who can’t spell the word). You could call me a ‘spiritual medium’, but I’m not too keen on the religious connotations. Or you can call me whatever you like. Since publicly embarking on this path, I’ve been called all kinds of things… some far nicer than others. But at the end of the day, my job is simply to help people to come to terms with life events, opening minds to other possibilities.
There are many misconceptions surrounding what it is to be a psychic or a medium. So let me highlight the top 5 most frequent misconceptions for you, or perhaps a better description would be my top 5 personal bugbears…
5) I am not aware of everything you are thinking and doing, so don’t get spooked out. If I went about my daily life and allowed myself to be open to everyone’s thoughts and actions, as well as picking up messages from the Spirit World, I would go even more nuts than I already am. There is a limit as to how much information the physical human brain can consciously handle and process at any one time, so I have learnt to switch off this ability when it’s not required. However, there are exceptions to this rule.
4) If I do perceive information about you, whether it’s gained intentionally or accidentally, it’s confidential and will always remain so. This means, I never let anyone else know. In the past, when I have picked up personal information about someone, unless that person had specifically asked me to tell them what I know, I keep it to myself. I’d also never judge or treat that person any differently. I’d certainly never point something out or provide advice if it hadn’t been asked for. Everyone has lessons to learn in life, and that includes coming to terms with their own personality traits or past events; I would never tell someone something they were not ready to learn. I often hear of psychics or mediums approaching strangers in the street to pass on a message. While it’s possible that they could have well developed psychic or mediumstic ability, their social skills could do with some serious fine tuning. It’s just plain rude and quite frankly it’s a little weird. It’s also like dropping a stink bomb in a crowded room and running. Who is going to pick up the pieces? Where is the after care and support? During a reading, people have asked me to provide them with information, so that’s when I do it. There’s a time and a place, as the saying goes…
3) I don’t walk around seeing dead people all the time. Unlike that poor kid in the film “The Sixth Sense”, I don’t get pestered by maimed and mutilated dead people wandering around my living room or falling out of my wardrobe. I see Spirit People occasionally, but I like to think that my feet are firmly on the ground. Again, it usually only happens when I allow it to, but it can happen when I least expect it.
2) “Oh, but I guess you already knew that!” The amount of times I’ve heard that one. No… I didn’t see it coming and I don’t already know it. For the reasons I’ve given above, my psychic antenna isn’t switched to maximum 24 hours a day. Things often take me by surprise and I’m glad they do. How boring would it be to know everything that is about to occur? But having said that, I did just guess the entire plot of ‘Dawn of the Planet of the Apes’. So I’m not sure whether the storyline was just too predictable or if my psychic antenna has ruined another film for me.
1) And finally in the top spot, the number one common misconception is the belief that readings are some kind of performance or act. The strangest thing is that this one usually comes from people who have never even had a reading before or who have had very little experience of anything spiritual. Describing what I do as a performance or act couldn’t be further from the truth. I do not stand on a stage amazing people with my ‘mystical supernatural powers’, proving that I know what they’re thinking or guessing what they’ve just written on a playing card. Being a true psychic is NOT how Derren Brown performs his tricks… he is an illusionist and a very talented showman.
Illusionists often make vast amounts of money from manipulation and discrediting spiritual beliefs. I’ve actually dealt with many devastated and upset people who have booked appointments with me when their beliefs have been shattered after watching one of Derren Brown’s TV shows. As I explain to them, just because 2 + 2 = 4, doesn’t mean that 9 – 5 or 16 divided by 4 can’t also equal 4… There are many ways of achieving the same result. He is demonstrating only one way (usually an overly exaggerated and highly theatrical version) of achieving a result. But his performances are simply that… performances. Yes, illusionists appear to achieve the same result, but what they do is actually FAR more theatrical and visually impressive than anything a genuine psychic could achieve. In fact, if I stood on stage (if I managed to get past the nerves) I can guarantee that it wouldn’t be very visually impressive. In fact, it would likely be a pretty shit show.
You may be surprised to learn that being a genuine psychic is actually not that impressive at all. Yes, the information gained can be astoundingly accurate but other times it can be vague or fragmented. It’s not scientific and therefore results are naturally unpredictable. However, most of the time, it’s a very personal and emotional experience that wouldn’t make for riveting TV viewing or any form of entertainment.
I personally believe that using psychic or mediumistic demonstrations for the purposes of TV or theatrical entertainment is rarely a good idea. Yes, we all have to pay the bills, but a genuine psychic wants to help people, not use what they do for their own personal gain. The minute you combine spirituality with entertainment, it makes a mockery of something that is a very personal experience and the people who do this mess it all up for everyone else. As a result, vast numbers of people are put off from exploring their spirituality for fear of ridicule. So much damage is caused to spirituality in the name of entertainment. But maybe that’s the reason why the media do it.
But before I move too far from the subject of Derren Brown, I must admit that I absolutely have a problem with his disregard for other people’s beliefs. Of all people, he should remember what it’s like to be different and how nasty others can be. Laughing at someone, or belittling their beliefs or lifestyle, hurts and scars people. We both had a hard time at school from people who thought they could put us down, make fun of us and didn’t think we had a right to be who we are…
…This is the same thing. But this time, he is the bully.
I’m not asking people like him to agree with what I do… and I’m certainly not even asking him to respect what I do. But I’d really appreciate it if others would respect my beliefs and the beliefs of many of the people I meet. We all have a right to our own opinions and a right to live the lifestyles we choose without fear of ridicule and humiliation from someone bigger and more powerful than us. But could it be that Derren’s shows are just his way of compensating for the cruel bullying and taunts he suffered as a child? Quite possibly.
Derren’s shows are creepy. They use fear of the unknown, deliberately designed to be deeply unsettling by preying on humanity’s darkest fears. Every psychic or medium is different, but speaking for myself, my beliefs are some of the most logical you will find. I don’t use fear to extort money out of people and I certainly don’t tell people that ‘spirits are attached to them’ or ‘they are possessed by demons’. Fear is not what I’m about. Admittedly, there are unethical psychics out there who give the rest of us a bad name, but over the years there have also been a few clinically insane doctors, happily murdering hundreds of patients and falsifying medical records to cover their tracks. So does that mean every GP is a psychotic, syringe wielding serial killer? No, it doesn’t. I give the people that come into contact with me hope (NOT false hope), as well as the tools they need to move forward, leaving them feeling positive, enlightened and empowered. I constructively tell people what they need to hear and sometimes this also means giving them uncomfortable truths. Fear and ignorance are the enemy.
Derren Brown and virtually all of the old organised religions (apart from Buddhism) have something in common. They all use the same system of fear and ridicule to control people. This is a form of control, which Derren freely admits to being a part of. Does anyone remember, “Derren Brown: Mind Control”? Control certainly equals power. After watching Derren’s shows, I’m left feeling sad for people who don’t possess the strong faith that I do. He is a highly intelligent guy who knows exactly what he is doing to people and that’s why I can no longer bring myself to watch him or his shows.
Just for one moment, imagine a world where everyone knows for a fact that life is eternal… a world where everyone knows without question that our physical existence on this Earth and in this lifetime, is merely a blip in time and a small step along an infinite journey. In that world, everyone has gained a very different perspective compared to the materialistic culture we have now. The latest car, the highest paid and most powerful job, the newest hi-tech mobile phones and the biggest 3D TVs are of no consequence at all. In fact, they are viewed as mere distractions and completely irrelevant to life’s real purpose and meaning. The motivations that drive the people of this imaginary world are no longer financial or material. Instead, they are guided by something far deeper and more meaningful. Every individual is empowered, regardless of race, income and circumstance. But most importantly, in this world, there is no place for a powerful, rich elite, ruling and controlling through fear, intimidation and money. So could this be the real reason why spirituality is being actively discouraged and ridiculed by the media and the governments that control them? A mass spiritual awakening has the power to fundamentally change the world as we know it, destroying our current system of governance. There are people who are frantically trying to stop this from happening. Their primary method of disinformation is the media, using, encouraging and controlling entertainers, such as Derren Brown, to sow the seeds of doubt and distraction.
Be very wary of anyone (religious, atheist, the media…) who use fear or ridicule to push their beliefs on you and society. Never accept what they say on face value. Always look at their motives and what they stand to gain. But most importantly, don’t allow yourself to be intimidated and bullied.
As far as working as a psychic and the supposed financial gain… I left a very well paid job to do what I am doing. Don’t forget that the sceptic and illusionist industries are precisely that… money-making industries. And most are in the entertainment industry for fame, fortune, recognition and power. I have to make a living. I need to pay the rent, the bills and put food on the table. But I am driven by my love for what I do… if it were for money, I certainly wouldn’t be doing it. In fact, I now live a very simple life on a fraction of what I previously earned, but with a partner who I love more than life itself, a beautiful dog (with another one on the way), and on a smaller income than I’ve ever lived on… but guess what… I’m far happier than I ever would have imagined possible.
Whether you believe in psychics or not, you might be starting to understand that services provided by myself and many other psychic mediums, often assist people in making positive and often profound changes in their lives. When people don’t have hope, they need to know that life can be better… and sometimes you have to give them the tools to achieve it. I really love doing that with a passion.
Being a psychic or a medium doesn’t make me any different from everyone else. Yes, there are some occasions where things get a little bit weird by everyday standards, but I have to get on with my day to day life just like everyone else does. I shop, I eat, I get tired, I have fun, I get angry, happy and sad… and quite often I eat and drink too much. I’m just a human being with more than my fair share of flaws… nothing more.
But here’s something that might surprise you… When someone dies, I grieve. I heard someone merrily proclaim to a medium who had just lost her husband hours before, “Well it’s ok for you though isn’t it. You can speak to him whenever you like.”
The physical loss of someone deeply affects us all. So if a medium you know ever loses someone they love, remember that they will probably need your support too.
The greatest thing about my line of work is the fact that I meet so many amazing people. And yes, I do include those that have passed into Spirit too. To be able to help people come to terms with, and make the best of their new situation, or provide a completely new perspective to a current difficulty, is a tremendous privilege. And to witness the benefits that people see afterwards makes every second worthwhile. I’m exceedingly grateful for this.
People learn more about the kind of a person I am during a reading than when they speak to me in real life. You see, when a sitter opens up, I can’t help but open up my emotions and feelings too. When a sitter cries, I usually have to fight back the tears. Often it’s tears of joy in a psychic reading, especially if it’s one of those important life changing moments, but most readings are naturally emotional. During a reading, there is no time for an act. To act or perform is to completely miss the point of a reading. It is about honest emotions from all parties involved (sitter, reader and Spirit).
For many people that I meet, a reading is the first time they have opened up about a problem or talked through an issue that has shaken them. When carried out ethically and for the benefit of the sitter, psychic and mediumistic readings present a valuable, and overlooked tool on the road to healing and recovery. I’ve lost count of the referrals I’ve made to support agencies such as refuges, talking therapies, charitable support agencies and more. I’ve even driven people to their GP. I take the responsibilities of this job very seriously. I know that I can only do so much, but if a meeting with me can help someone on a new path to a better future, whether you’re a believer or not, that has to be a good thing.
To be out and proud as a psychic and medium isn’t easy. You have to be absolutely sure that this is the right path as there are so many people who actively dislike this line of work. They believe that mediumship or psychic abilities are trickery and as a result I receive many messages that could be quite upsetting for some people. I’m not entirely sure where this animosity originates, but I presume it is based on fear. Fear that there could be a higher power that is aware of what we do and completely out of human control. The fear that one day we might be accountable for what we do in this lifetime scares the literal shit out of many people, especially the ones who are comfortable in life and identify strongly with their physical, material existence and status. By the way, I’d just like to add that I don’t believe that we ‘pay’ for our deeds in the biblical sense of heaven and hell. However, I do believe there are consequences. As already stated, be very wary of those using fear or ridicule to push their beliefs.
On a daily basis, I find people’s prejudice with regards to psychics or mediums perplexing. On one hand you have traditional religious views, which I have respect for. They do not deny that something is occurring, but some believe that this is the influence of ‘bad’ spirits. I must add, I have complete faith that IF ‘bad’ spirits exist, God, my family in the Spirit World and my guides will protect me and keep me safe from any harm. I have complete and unfailing faith in God, or The Universe. On the other hand, you have the sceptics and non-believers. I have nothing to prove to them as their minds are firmly closed. Given time, their minds will open. And if it doesn’t happen in this life, I believe it certainly will when their time comes.
Since a recent healthy debate with a close relative (she has a professional background in physics), I’ve begun research on the scientific progress made in this area. There is so much evidence FOR the existence of an afterlife and psychic phenomena that I don’t know why this isn’t ever taken into account. Please bear in mind that evidence and proof are two entirely different things. In fact, I’m a little overwhelmed by how much evidence there is. I’m beginning to think that this is selective research on the part of the sceptics, or dare I say laziness?
But it is the sceptics’ animosity that really arouses my suspicions. Why so much hatred? Why so much venom? Why do some people actively take it upon themselves to update Wikipedia entries on a daily basis to discredit psychic phenomena? Again, I believe that this boils down to fear of the unknown, fear of loss of control, fear of something that (as yet) can’t be measured and an arrogance that mainstream science (in its present form and current level of understanding) has all the answers. Of course, it’s thanks to science that I’m typing this on a laptop and thanks to science that I’m healthy and alive, but that doesn’t mean that it currently holds all the answers. That would be similar to stating that when cavemen invented the wheel, they had a working knowledge of power-assisted steering.
The argument that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence is often used as if to prove the case against mediumship and psychic phenomena. However, it’s entirely possible that extraordinary claims require extraordinary science to gain a full understanding of what is actually occurring. As yet, mainstream science doesn’t hold all the answers and it is arrogance to suggest anything to the contrary. However, when looking at the evidence so far, it certainly looks as though humanity is on the verge of making some very exciting and extraordinary scientific discoveries in this field. But until that time, I have my experiences and my faith.
A sceptic will usually say that mediumship and psychic readings are taking advantage of people who want something to hold on to. But my answer is that it is the sceptic who needs something to hold on to. If they are unable to grasp it with the current level of mainstream, text book, scientific understanding, if it isn’t tangible, then in their opinion it doesn’t exist or it’s a load of nonsense. They steadfastly cling to this belief system and to challenge this often provokes unreasonable anger and hostility (similar to an evangelical preacher). However, everyone is entitled to their beliefs. So surely, those of us who believe in the afterlife and psychic phenomena are also entitled to our beliefs, even if they can’t yet be explained by mainstream science.
Respect and tolerance is all that is required… from organised religion, the sceptics and the rest of us who fall somewhere in between.
So my point is this. To try to answer what it means to be a psychic medium is complex, but I am no different to anyone else. My existence and / or my beliefs, seems to provoke a little hostility now and then, but I am privileged enough to be able to genuinely help people move forward with their lives and THIS is my motivation.
I don’t do what I do to be a good person or ‘earn my place in heaven’. I’m not expecting my life to be better in anyway as a result of what I do. It’s probably pure coincidence, but my life actually IS better than it’s ever been. That could be down to the fact that I’ve learnt to be grateful for every little thing in my life, noticing the good things rather than the bad. Some people get a buzz from skydiving off a building, I get my buzz from making a difference to people’s lives. That’s not being a do-gooder, it’s not being anything. It’s just what I do. My last ‘normal’ job was helping disabled people into work… I did it because of the satisfaction I get from making a difference… nothing more and certainly not for karma’s sake.
Many people reading this will have spiritual beliefs based on experience or on a deep inner knowing. But quite possibly, you’ve never experienced even the slightest occurrence that you would consider a bit weird, out of the ordinary or entirely inexplicable. However, one day you might see and experience some of the things that I’ve witnessed and be totally unable to explain what happened. If and when you do, you may or may not be freaked out, but one thing is for sure, you’ll start to question what you thought was reality. So if you do ever experience something odd, get in touch and let me know.
The biggest difference when comparing myself to many others is that I am absolutely, 100% convinced that there is more to life than we physically see or hear or feel. I do not follow a path set out for me by others, I sense, feel, hear, see and touch my own personal spiritual journey. My spiritual experience is a two-way interactive communication. I interpret this to be the Spirit World and psychic phenomena. This is not just my belief. I am living this experience. It is something that I’ve always been aware of and it is a part of who I am. This is what it means to be me…
…a psychic medium.
If you’d like to know more about what I do, including development circles, psychic readings, reiki, meditation and business services, please visit my website at www.PsychicMediumSteve.com.