Prime Minister
As we appear to have Messiahs in stereo, with both you and Psychosmiffy pretty much advertising yourselves as the Second Manifestation, maybe it’s time that we started seeing a double helping of the compassion, care and honesty displayed by the original Son Of God. And I don’t mean David Icke.
Your claim that Christ started the Big Society 2,000 years ago shows just how much faith you put into schemes that have obviously failed. It must have done so, otherwise why would you need to be promoting it now? That bone-headed attitude probably goes some way to explaining Psychosmiffy’s commitment to Universal Credit. Maybe if you and he were to begin feeding the people who need feeding as a result of your government’s twisted and inhumane policies your Big Society might become a bit more believable. As it is, there has been no press coverage of either you or him getting your overfed backsides into Asda to buy up all their crusty rolls and cases of tinned pilchards in spicy tomato sauce to give away to the needy, have there? Not that Asda would be able to help now – the poverty situation has degenerated to the point where even 3663 would struggle to meet the demand for loaves and fishes. It’s just as well the churches are there to help the destitute, created by your government, to begin to glue their lives back together, if only temporarily.
If anything, the Messiah Complexes should be occurring in the ever-growing ranks of those of us who oppose your reign of terror because Christ advocated, and worked towards, the liberation of people from tyranny and corruption that was taxing and hounding many of them into penury. Eventually, of course, those tyrants who placed themselves above the law and beyond the reach of the ordinary people came to accept what Christ was preaching, which was a WELFARE STATE, as constructed by LABOUR in the early 20th century. It’s a shame that the Romans had to kill Christ before their eyes were finally opened, but Psychosmiffy has already done that repeatedly, hanging many of those whom Christ would have healed and helped out to dry, often alone and always forsaken by those who should have listened and incorporated the views of a concerned populace earlier. I sometimes wonder if Psychosmiffy hasn’t confused two ideals of the Christian Bible because, far from being any kind of Messiah, he acts more like a mix of Herod and Pilate, killing the defenceless and then washing his hands of the matter.
I suppose your Party considers Michael Fabricant to be a modern-day Judas as well, seeing as he’s been cast down by Shappie Chappie. Again, though, this merely shows that you and those who toady to you are not actually acting in the name of Christianity at all, but are actually more fitted to the role of Satan’s imps, using guile and deceit to twist and bastardise the code by which you claim to live. The sooner you are recalled to the Basement Dimension, the better-off we will all be. The only thing Fabricant was guilty of was honestly declaring his view regarding the Miller Lite(ly) case and, as it happens, reflecting and publishing the view shared by many of his constituents. Shappie Chappie’s action merely shows how committed to the suppression of free speech your government has become.
So, am I going to be asking “Father forgive the Tories for they know not what they do”? Nah. I’ll be intensely satisfied when I see you and your fellow criminals swinging by your necks in a row of gallows at The Hague. If the international authorities then consent to burying you inh a live sewer, so we can accord you the actual level of acknowledgement that is justified, that will be the cherry on the cake.
Darren Lynch