11.1 C
Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Nationalist

You cannot stand alone, Against a sea of woe, If a man should fall in Paris, Is your blood the stronger? Is not your freedom less? Our only strength is Unity, Together we stand, Divided we fall. And if, many years from now, When you are old and grey,...
We were tidying up dead firework carcasses throwing them to the embers of old fires,for fun on the Sunday morning they were out marching with their banners and their bugles. We stood underneath a double-centuried Redwood tree; all those straggly bits of wired sparkler stumps the children had drawn...

Unless you make the bombs

War, it's a terrible thing!Unless you make the bombs?Then you're on the gravy train,receiving unearned Honours and Gongs Kanjin Tor

Aural Prejudice

If I have a judgement, valuation or prejudice about you, it's not the colour of your skin I regard. I listen to your voice, its cadence and intonation, the way the v o w e l s form around your thoughts. Wherever you come from, eh? Because that, that,...

Day 6 out of the EU

We’ve all been had. On an INDUSTRIAL scale. Allow me… Religion = Believing in something with no evidence. Aliens = Believing in something existing with no evidence. The Emperor’s New Clothes = Believing you are fully clothed because someone told you this was the case and even though you...

Getting lost in the Shift

The day the earth changed,subtly,Kevin was sitting in her garden taking in the natural beauty of astutely blossoming plants whilst listening to a requiem for a dream; an urgent gasp of strings consorting as the planets aligned. It was all so apparently normal and benign that he failed to...

At the Desk

Banksy's Colonic. In the days of the comet;  Here the comet alludes to the measuring of time to historical recurrence, and to parallel worlds. We were looking  for an equality of cultural prejudice. You black people come, sit and we'll sing together,  about how difficult it is. Together, from...

A new paradigm

'Idiot Compassion' - the term used to describe the single action or habitual pattern of interfering with or supporting other people's dramas without first determining whether lending your advice or energy is appropriate; not allowing others to move through their own experiences and become empowered. Idiot compassion is usually...

England’s Circus

The flat bleak eastern european plains of Lincolnshire near The Romany Museum at Cowbit (pronounced 'Cubbitt') hosting The Big Top. I am talking with the clown in a dirty high-viz vest about artistic integrity,narrative,selling England by the pound. It is not the time. Lights have to be fixed and...

Day 11 out of the EU

I...just...what ju..??? Say..WHUUUUUUT??? Um, buuuuh....???? I'm sorry. Perhaps I misheard you because I SWEAR you just told me that YOU WERE FUCKING RESIGNING FARAGE???? I'm struggling to find the words people...I have a massive red lump on my forehead right about now from the BIGGEST DOUBLE FACE PALM I've...